

12 Book Challenge 2014: A Bedtime Storytime New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s resolutions are fraught with risk. Each year we list all of our shortcomings and each year we realize our shortcomings from last year have mostly stuck around.

However, this year I am going to take a risk and make a reading resolution: 12 chapter books this year! Tenzin and I love bedtime storytime/naptime storytime. Depending on the book, we shoot for a chapter or two at a time.

As we finish each book, I will publish a post about the book and our activities. Find them all at my 12 Book Challenge 2014 page!


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8 Simple Ways to Show Love to Your Child

“All a baby needs is love… and diapers!

Of course, my brother’s wise words aren’t entirely true, but they encapsulate the message of this post: showing your child that she or he is loved, valued, respected and accepted by YOU is the most important part of parenting.

When a child knows these to be unequivocally true, he or she will grow self-worth and confidence. Your child will be resilient. Your child will naturally love her- or himself, and be better capable of giving love to, and receiving love from, others.

No one can be perfect all the time – as I know from personal experience – so just pick one of these to consciously do each day. Even a few minutes of true focus and attention for your child will affirm your love.

Here are 8 Simple Ways to Make Your Child Feel Loved:

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